Based on our experience, many users of boiler / HRSG units have never been properly trained. To meet productivity targets and emissions regulations, it is crucial to operate and monitor the essential equipment in the right way every day.
Based on our experience, many users of boiler / HRSG units have never been properly trained. To meet productivity targets and emissions regulations, it is crucial to operate and monitor the essential equipment in the right way every day.
By conducting on-site personnel training seminars which can be tailored for specific site requirements and providing the service of technical personnel to assist our clients operation and maintenance team.
We have been able to ensure that O&M (Operation & Maintenance) procedure are properly and efficiently implemented. We are also trained the Boiler and HRSG engineering and inspection upon customer demand.
Training Programs Include
- Thermal Review of HRSG
- Codes / Pressure Parts
- Boiler Component Engineering
- Life / Age Analysis
- Operation Study
- Thermal Stress Analysis
- Vibration and Noise Engineering
- Failure Mechanisms
- Water Chemistry
- Boiler Inspection
- Preventive and Reactive Maintenance
- Piping Hanger System
Additional Services
- Monthly service contracts specific to customer’s requirements and will work with maintenance personal to ensure proper protective maintenance is met
- Turnkey service packages, quarterly or annually, with trained personnel to ensure full potential of the equipment
- AKEF offer equipment installation supervision to ensure timely schedules are met along with quality observation for the benefit of client’s best interest
- Boiler retrofit schedules, waterside inspection, furnace fireside inspection, boiler hanger assessments, component assessment and component replacement planning
- Detail AutoCAD drawings for report illustrations and mapping
- Monitoring NDE data
- Contractor Cost Reviews
- Contractor Schedule Reviews